Thursday, November 6, 2008

So Long, Chief Full of Bull and Sister G.

It all started in February 2002. I was working for the Partnership for a Drug-Free DeKalb as the coordinator of Mentor DeKalb and was scheduled to meet with the new student Pastor at Fyffe Church of God in hopes he would want to implement the program at the church. If I'm not mistaken, the meeting was for ten on a Tuesday morning. I gathered up all my mentoring material and had all the right words to pitch a great program. No worries. I had this under control. Meet at ten, be out by eleven, and meeting friends for lunch at twelve. No worries. WRONG!!!!!

Pastor Wayne and I met for two hours that day. We talked about Mentor DeKalb for a total of twenty minutes. ;-) It seemed as if there was an instant connection between us. We talked about everything...mostly church. In the middle of our conversation, I mentioned to him that I was the student Pastor at Geraldine First United Methodist Church and most of my students were about to graduate. I thought nothing of the statement...the conversation continued on.

I started to leave and we were standing in the parking lot. He looked at me and asked the question that completely messed up my whole world. "When you leave your church, call me. You're going to be my Praise and Worship leader. Think about it and give me a call."

HA!!!!! HA!!!!! HA!!!!! HA!!!!! HA!!!!!

On the inside, I thought, "Okay...yeah. This cat is off his rocker. I don't play or sing in front of anybody." On the outside, I looked at him and said, "Sure. Yeah. Okay." I thanked him for the meeting and got the heck outta' dodge. As soon as my car door shut and he was out of sight, I started laughing so hard.

It wasn't even a thought for me. I didn't need to Pray about it! I could barely play a few Worship songs. I can barely read music!!!!! Sing in front of people?! NO WAY!!!!! It took me a total of two seconds to make that decision. Big fat NO!!!!!

I called him a few days later, thanked him for the offer, and respectfully declined. My excuse? My job required me to work occassional nights to train people and I just wasn't sure I could commit to it. Sounded like a smooth answer to me.

Not too long after that, I saw Pastor Wayne again. This time, he was with his wife, Ginger...otherwise known as "Sister" Ginger. He made the offer again. Of course, I replied with a big fat "no." Surpringly though, it took me just a little longer to respond that time.

The days and weeks to follow weren't very pretty. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I couldn't get that stinkin' church off my mind. I woke up thinkin' about it. I went to bed thinkin' about it. During the day, it'd cross my mind a million times. It seemed like someone was talkin' about Fyffe everywhere I went and I saw signs and shirts with "FYFFE" written all over it. I couldn't get away from it! Fyffe was everywhere!!!!!

I caved. I swallowed my pride and showed up at Fyffe on a random Wednesday night about a month later. I drove up and had no idea where to go or where Pastor Wayne was. I saw Sister Ginger coming out of the Life Center and practically ran to her. She said, "Hey! We miss you!" I said, "Where's Pastor Wayne? I know I gotta' do it." She smiled and said, "He'll be glad to see you. He's in his office."

Oh my gosh...the walk to his office was the longest and most difficult walk of my life. I walked in and smiled. He said, "You ready?" I nodded my head and said, "I don't know how I'm gonna' do it, but...yeah. I'm scared to death." He told me to come by for lunch the next day.

The church's Sanctuary was being remodeled during that time and everything was out in the middle of the floor. When I got there the next day, he wanted me to play and sing for him. It suddenly occurred to me that he had never even heard me play or sing!!!!! Now that's some major Faith!!!!! I walked to the piano (which was sitting at a random spot in the middle of the floor) and my hands were shaking like crazy. I tried to sing and my voice was shaking even worse!!!!! This singing and playing in front of people was a HUGE deal to me. I was scared to death!!!!!

He promised me that day that he would push and work with me, but he would never push me beyond what he thought I could do. Boy was he right!!!!! He did push every area of my life he pushed me. It was extremely difficult at times. There were moments I wanted to leave and never come back simply because it was so far out of my comfort zone. I remember leading Worship that first was me, a drummer, and two or three vocals. I came off that stage and promised myself I would never get up there again. I am six years later and still leading Worship. I look back at all the experiences I've had and all the services I've had the honor to play/sing in. Without Pastor Wayne and Sister Ginger pushing me, Praying for me, encouraging me, counseling me, and being patient with me...I know beyond doubt I wouldn't be here. Through them, the Lord has taken me places I never thought possible. My whole life has changed simply because they're in it.

The best sermons I've ever heard in my life have come from him. The best insight and counsel has come from them. Sister Ginger has inspired me beyond belief with her passion, sincerity, character, wisdom, and Anointing. I look at Greyson and Tyler and see a legacy and Anointing that will be carried on for generations to come. There are many who can touch other people. There are some who will impact lives. There are very few who can step into someone's life and completely alter the course of life. That's what the Sheppard family has done for me...stirred a gift, encouraged it to fruition, and showed me my destiny.

They're leaving to go to South Carolina...Greer, South Carolina. They'll be at one of the top three Church of Gods in the nation, Praise Cathedral. Man...that church has no clue what they're in for. This family, the Sheppard clan, steps into lives and messes up everything. Talents they never they had, dreams they've never dreamed, visions they've never had, gifts they've never thought of...somehow and some way, they have the ability to stir up things that are seemingly impossible.

They came to Fyffe Church of God and had 30 students. Since then, they've peaked at 200, built a new facility, won a national Teen Talent title, gone to Indianapolis, San Antonio, New Mexico, and Kansas to Minister, gained about 20 student staff, and changed thousands of lives. They've done the impossible in the small town of Fyffe. They've done the impossible in me.

They've become family to me. Plain and simple. They know my best and they know my worst. Still...they believe in me. For some reason, they still Love me. I'll never be able to repay them for what they've done for me...never.

So, Chief Full-of-Bull and Sister G. (I'm bound by confidentiality not to reveal her Indian name)...thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for pushing me beyond what I thought I could go. Thank you for all the counsel, patience, and Love. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your family. Thank you for the memories.

Thank you for Loving Jesus, because--if you didn't--I wouldn't be where I am today.

1 comment:

Maddux said...

WOW! What a great blog! Your right, without them I would have never EVER thought of ministry. If I can be half as annointed as they are I would be the most blessed guy in the world. I'm really gonna miss them, but I have no doubt that PW is doing exactly what God wants him to do!