So...Anna Bryant threw out a challenge yesterday. It was a challenge to post seven random facts about myself. Alrighty, Anna...here goes. ;-) You asked for it!!!!! ;-)
1. I hate fruits and vegetables (except corn!). I can just imagine all the mouths
flying open in astonishment. Don't worry! I'm getting better. I'm starting to
branch out a little bit. So...get off my back!!!!! ;-) GAH!!!!!
2. I'm a secret fan of "The Hills." I'll forever regret posting that comment.
Yes...I record it every Monday night. Oh my gosh...I'm embarrassed right now.
3. I absolutely can't stand for someone to touch the inside of my arm. Oh
gosh...I'm gettin' sick just thinkin' about it. I know it's retarded and I
really can't explain it, but it terrifies me. AH!!!!! I feel as if all the
blood's gonna' leave my heart or something. Ugh...
4. I absolutely LOVE politics and learning more about government. I'm pretty much
addicted to news channels. My favorite is FOX..."fair and balanced." ;-) I
used to never pay attention to stuff like that, but I LOVE it now. The obsession
started about five years ago, but it's REALLY gotten bad during this election.
I'm all about McCain/Palin!!!!! ;-)
5. I stuttter sometimes. I catch myself getting hung up on words when I get
nervous or scared. It's so strange! It gets worse as I get older, too.
6. I absolutely LOVE to travel. I've decided to take at least two vacations a
year. I'm really into learning the history of places before I go. I'm a nerd.
I'm very aware of this.
7. My number one pet peeve...SMACKING!!!!! Oh my gosh...just close your mouth when
when you chew your food! And what's with the gum?! Quit popping bubbles and
stuff!!!!! Good grief!!!!! How rude!!!!! It can seriously make me hate
somebody. Whew. Okay. I'm done. ;-)
So...there it is! Seven random facts about me. I'll probably regret posting half of those things!!!!! ;-) But, hey...I can't let somebody throw out a challenge and not accept it!!!!!
1 comment:
Sherrie! I'm glad to see that you were up for the challenge! Thanks! SO FUNNY! LOL!
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