So...just gonna' lay out some things I've been feeling the past week or so. May not be Theologically, emotionally, or grammatically correct, but it's just how I'm feeling these days...
I'm working in a job where I see so many people with such hurt and hopelessness. Almost everyday, I hear another story of abuse, neglect, sadness, and ignorance. People come in my office or court and I can see it in their eyes...they're hurting. Whatever issue has plagued them throughout their life, it has been the stumblingblock that has somehow prevented them from reaching their potential.
These people come in my office and sit across from me...each one telling a different story of abandonment, loss, fear, etc. Some anger me. Some break my heart. Some amaze me. I always have Christian music playing in the background...always just loud enough for them to hear. I have to print lots of papers and leave the room to go to the printer. I Pray each time I leave that some sort of phrase will catch their attention...some words of Hope will flood their mind and the Lord will replay it continuously in their hearts. At some point during each case appointment, I try to make really good eye contact just to let them know someone IS listening...someone DOES care. Each time I look at them, I can't help but think, "What could they have been? What will become of them after they leave here? Can I speak just one word of Peace or Comfort that will somehow change their whole frame of mind and life?"
The adults hurt my heart, but it's the children they bring in that absolutely rip my heart apart. Some are infants...some are toddlers. Whatever the case, I Pray silently over them as I look at their faces and into their eyes. "Lord...please send someone to guide them to You."
Over the years, I've had the privilege of sitting down and talking with numerous people about issues in their life. Maybe it's relationship issues. Maybe it's financial issues. Perhaps it's self-esteem issues. Whatever that "thing" is, it has stopped them in their tracks and they can't seem to move forward. It's this momentary pause that can last for years--even a lifetime--for people.
My heart is breaking for people. I literally hurt at times for those who have never had someone in their life to speak words of encouragement. There are those who've been walking the Earth for years upon years and have no idea what they're here for, what they were created for, what their gifts are, and how important they are.
I know words of encouragement can't take away the pain people have experienced in their lives. I'm not naive enough to think it's the one thing that can push people into their destiny and purpose. However, I am saying it could be enough to change the way they think about plunge them into a life of Hope. HOPE...a four letter word that could alter the whole course of a life, yet so many don't know about.
It's amazing what a hug can do for someone. A "good game," high five, pat on the back, a "good job,"...gosh...anything to make someone smile. Anything to get someone through the day. Anything to make someone know they're WORTH something.
Yes...I want to be married. Yes...I want to have children. My deepest desire is to have my own family. However, I feel the Lord speaking something deep in my spirit telling me to simply Love people. I don't care what you've done. I don't care where you've been. I don't care what religion you are, if you hate religion period, what denomination you choose, what doctrine you believe, or if you flat out hate me. Love. If it takes me remaining single the rest of my life to show just one person how much they're worth in the eyes of the Father...I'll do it.
I Peter 4:8 (The Message)...
"Everything in the world is about to be wrapped up, so take nothing for granted. Stay wide-awake in Prayer. Most of all, Love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anythnig. Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless--cheerfully. Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: if words, let it be God's words; if help, let it be God's hearty help. That way, God's bright Presence will be evident in everything through Jesus and He'll get all the credit as the One mighty in everything--encores to the end of time."
My goodness...what Words!!!!! The past few days have brought an unexpected renewal in my passion for Jesus. My deepest Prayer is that someone could see just one ounce of resemblance of the Father in me. That someone--somehow and in some way--could see just a hint of Jesus in my life so that they can know Him. My heart has softened in His His Glory. My great You are!!!!!
Find what you're good at. Use it to further the Kingdom of God. Acts 10:38 says, "Jesus went about doing good." That's the "good" everywhere you go. You never know what one act or phrase of kindness will do for someone. Show one person their worth and they can change the world around them.
Sherrie. I love you! You are so awesome! I want to thank you for being someone I could look up to. You have done so much for me. Even if you haven't realized it! Thank you!
Hey Sherrie! Your passion & love for people overflows from your writing. This post reminded me of this link to a conference my cousin Leila (one of my Indian cousins) spoke at on Community. Just thought you might be interested in checking it out. Love you!
National Women in Ministry Conference for the A/G last October.
Once you get to the page, click on the "leadership" tab at the bottom, then scroll down and click on "women in ministry," and then click on the Leila Ojala picture. It's about 20 minutes long.
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