So...Auburn plays Southern Miss tomorrow. Not too worried, but it's just difficult to predict sometimes. I NEVER know about 'em. However, I'm gonna' venture out and call it...Tigers win.
Guess it's too much to ask Tulane to whip Bama's tail. I don't see it happening, but anything's possible. If you know me, you know I'm Praying for that Miracle tomorrow. I don't care who it is that beats 'em...I just want 'em beat. I HATE Alabama...
They win their first game against a team who was ranked number nine and they're already goin' crazy. How in this world was Clemson ranked nine?! They're horrible!!!!! Whatever the reason, Bama fans are already shootin' their mouth off...just like they have the past six years. The famous line..."Just wait 'til next year." Next year comes, they lose a few games and the line changes to, "Oh, well...it'll take him a few years to build the program," or "We knew it wouldn't be a good year," or "I knew they wouldn't win this game." Gosh...so predictable in their comebacks.
Not too sure Auburn will have a good year this year. It really makes me nervous when they start the year with a high ranking. This could possibly be the year Alabama beats us. They'll have the home field advantage and they're out for blood. Who knows, though...it'll always be a great game. Gosh...I'm already gettin' nervous!
It'll be interesting to hear the "other team's" feelings after tomorrow. They'll probably be 2-0. Guess they'll have Nick Satan riding in on a donkey and people waving palm branches all around. If he loses to Auburn again, they'll have him on a cross. That's just the way they work down there in Tuscaloser.
Love Auburn. Hate Bama. Great philosophy.
Easy with the Nick Satan talk. Don't forget that Tuberville wound up on Ebay once before. It's early in the season, he could wind up there again!!
P.S. Jesus loves us both 'cause we're from the great state of AL!
ROLL TIDE!!! And....Bama WILL beat Auburn! lol love ya sherrie!
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