OKAY...I know that whole issue stirs up a huge debate. Is speaking in tongues the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit? Personally...I don't believe so. BUT (before I get stoned)...that's not what this blog is about. So, please spare me the comments trying to change my mind. This is just MY opinion. WHEW!!!!! Okay...moving right along...
That month was both a high and low for me. I was straight up STRESSING about it 'cause I didn't think I "got it." (that phrase always cracks me up) On the same token, however, I was so happy. I read the Word the same as before, but saw it in a completely different way. Things I had read a million times seemed to change before my eyes and go deep in my spirit. During that time, I learned why the Word is called "the LIVING Word." It was the same, yet changing everytime I read it. It was so amazing!!!!! It STILL IS amazing!!!!!
So...here I go to Fyffe Church of God on a random night to hear a random preacher who (I believe) was in a random gang. Ha...that sentence was funny. ANYWAY...I remember saying to the Lord, "Okay, God...I don't care anymore. I don't care if I ever speak in tongues, I'm simply thankful for Your Love. That's all I need. I thank You for the Power You've shown and given me through your Spirit." Guess what! That night is the first night I spoke in the Spirit!!!!! It was INCREDIBLE!!!!!
That was the last time I heard John Richardson...16 years ago. I was pretty pumped about hearing him again. I had no idea what I was in for. Just like "back in the day," I went expecting to hear a good Word, but was literally taken by surprise at what the Lord did for me that night. I can't remember what he preached on 16 years ago, but it's still fresh on what he taught us on Monday night...Ezekiel 47.
For some reason, I've become a bit calloused at things. I don't cry much anymore. Not that I WANT to cry, but it's sometimes a Healing experience and does me good to shed some tears. I have compassion and sympathy, but not like I used to. Perhaps it's because I hear horrible stories all day long at work and not surprised by anything anymore. Maybe it's a good place to be. Maybe it's not. I'm not exactly sure. I just know that I'm not really moved by much these days. I've been in all kinds of services and heard all kinds of stories. I'm not taken off guard at much...nothing surprises me.
I got there and sat beside Haven. Heard the choir sing and it was, of course, wonderful. He started to preach and I found myself trying to get reaquainted with his lingo and accent. I can't remember where he's from, but he pronounces things so funny (well...funny to me, anyway!). So, of course, I'd whisper a few of those funny sounding words back to Haven and we'd chuckle a little. I remember thinking, "Gah...I'm not even in the mood to cry or anything. I hope he doesn't call me out."
You're probably already guessing what happened, huh?! He started talking about a trip to the Bahamas he had taken years ago and how he couldn't swim. He told this hilarious story about how some of the people there put floaties on him and let him float behind a boat while people were diving. Through a series of events, he went under water for a bit. When he surfaced, he was amazed at all the beautiful things God had made and said, "...only He could create such beautiful colors." He then said something that completely caused me to break. He said, "God responded and said, 'Yeah, but John...I made you.'"

Immediate HUGE tears began to form and effortlessly ran down my cheek. It wasn't a new revelation, but was definitely a rhema word for me. It was spoken just for me at just the right time and from just the right person in just the right way. It was for ME. It broke my calloused and hard heart. And--you guessed it--he called me out. To be quite honest, I can't remember a lot he spoke and Prayed over me, but I remember him asking the question, "How deep do you want to go in the River?"
Again...it's not that anything he preached on was new or nothing I've never heard before. Ezekiel 47 is something I've heard preached and taught a million times...a chapter I've read and researched even more. It just all kind've clicked with me that night. There was, however, a part that I've never heard or even thought about before...something he brought out that night. He asked how many had ever tried to run or walk in the shallow part of the ocean. He said, "What happens when you try to walk through it for a while? You get tired."
BOOM!!!!! That's it!!!!! I've been so tired lately. Of course, I've been worn out physically and emotionally, but those things happen because I'm worn out Spiritually. I haven't grown "weary in well doing,"...I've just grown weary. I'm exhausted. No wonder my heart is tough! No wonder my emotions are so stale. I'm tired. Weary. Exhausted. Worn out.
He went on to teach us that we can go deep in the River...deep in His Spirit and get further and further out. We can go so far and the water be up to our neck...doing things right and reaping the Blessings from being out in that River. BUT...we're still in control. The goal is to go so far to where our feet can't touch anymore. That's when the current takes us where it wants us to go. WOW...that's what I needed. I know...for some of you reading, it's such an elementary revelation. But, for me...it clicked. Everything about that night was just what I needed to hear. I called Sister Ginger afterwards and said, "I feel like I just fell in Love with Jesus all over again."
Ezekiel 47:8-12 has been my focus since that night. Any of these verses could be broken and down and researched in a million different ways. Trust me...I went to Lee University, then to Seminary! I once had to write a five page paper on John 11:35..."Jesus wept." The shortest verse in the Bible! Shoot...I could write forever on Ezekiel 47!!!!! BUT...these are just a few of my observations. I'm no Theologian, so don't get excited or take my word for it. ;-)
Verses 8-10 tells us the River flows "into the sea, the sea of stagnant waters. When It empties into those waters, the sea will become fresh. Wherever the River flows, Life will flourish--great schools of fish--because the River is turning the salt sea into fresh water. Where the River flows, Life abounds. Fishermen will stand shoulder to shoulder along the shore...the sea will teem with fish of all kinds."
What I gather from those verses is a Call for us to do a few things. One...allow the River to flow in and through us. For where that River flows is abundant Life. Simply put...it's personal growth.
Two...it's a Call for the Church to unite. "Fishermen will stand shoulder to shoulder..." When that happens, the "...sea will teem with fish of all kinds." I feel as if the Church dips in the sea at random spots and at random times to catch a few "fish"...and sadly, we seem satisfied with that. What would happen if we came together in a Spirit of unity? Forgetting about denominations, doctrines, hurts, and fears...uniting with the simple, yet Powerful focus and belief that "fish of all kinds" are "fish" created and Loved by the Creator. Every person matters.
Three...we are to go where the "fish" are. "Fishermen will stand shoulder to shoulder along the shore." Go where they are. We have to stop waiting for them to come to us. It's a true fact--but at times an excuse--to say or think the Lord will bring them to us. Don't get me wrong, I believe He will do that at times...many times. The Anointing in Itself is attractive and Powerful, so I'm not negating that fact that He can bring "fish" to us and make us attractive to them. HOWEVER...believing only in that theory can cause laziness, apathy, and for the River to become "stagnant." Complacency kills...and it has almost murdered the Church.
Verse 12..."...on both banks will grow fruit trees of all kinds. Their leaves won't wither, the fruit won't fail. Every month, they'll bear fresh fruit because the River from the Sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for Healing."
Here's where I believe going deeper in the River jumps from a personal desire for growth to an unselfish mentality to cause others to flourish. The River causes others to Live. "On both banks will grow fruit trees of all kinds...Every month they'll bear fruit because the River from the Santuary flows to them. Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for Healing." What happens if we stop growing? What happens if we stop Praying? What happens if we stop Worshiping? Caring? Loving? Chasing after Christ? What happens not only to us, but to THEM?! We make the mistake of somehow becoming so focused on us and how only we benefit from a close walk with the Lord. But...what about them? If we back off...even for just a second...how many will suffer?
Why don't I drink? Why don't I smoke? Why don't I give myself away in relationships? Of course, it's my moral convictions that drive me to stay pure. But, there are many, many times when I just want to throw my hands up and quit. Why don't I? It's the kid in the student Ministry that looks up to me. It's the person on the Praise Team that has come so far. It's the friend that I've Ministered to and Prayed for time and time again. It's the guy in high school that tried to get me to give in and I said I never would. It's the child that hugs me every Sunday. It's the elder that has poured into me for so many years that I can't stand to disappoint. When all we focus on is ourselves, there is a greater tendency to quit.
Why do I chase after Jesus so much? It's for me. It's for you. It's for those I don't even know. My relationship with Christ is vital for me...and even more for those around me.

1 comment:
WOW I pretty much love your blogs!!!! That is one encouraging word.. I believe that if the "chuich" (in my Bro Richardson accent) would go deeper they would find some awesome waves to ride and would also find out that its a WHOLE lot easier to ride the waves than it is to try to sprint in the shallow end.. keep em coming!
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